Criminal Defense Lawyer in Halifax
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty and we are here to fight for your rights!
Our skilled Halifax Law firm has a team of lawyers that have been successfully defending criminal allegations and criminal charges for many years and we would be honored to do the same for you.
With numerous cases on our record, no case is too complex for our lawyers to handle. We will begin with a free twenty (20) minute case consultation and prepare a unique defense on your behalf. Regardless of your circumstances, our firm is committed to your best interests and will do whatever it takes to work toward a positive outcome for you

You Need A Halifax Criminal Lawyer
Have you been charged with a crime? If so, it is imperative that you take action to ensure that your rights are protected in the best way possible, by obtaining legal representation. At Mccarthy Kuszelewski Law, we are proud to provide over 25 years of years of combined experience and trusted counsel to clients throughout the Halifax, Dartmouth and throughout Nova Scotia and we may be able to help you, as well.
When you choose to work with a Halifax criminal defense lawyer from our Law Firm, you will work directly with the Lawyer who is handling your case. We are committed to ensuring that the rights, freedoms, and future of our clients are safeguarded and we encourage you to contact our team as soon as possible directly after an arrest.
Please view our cases page for a list of casesDUI Lawyer In Halifax
Our team is committed to ensuring that we provide only the best possible representation to all of our clients. We can use our knowledge of the provincial and federal laws to benefit your case. We understand that each person's situation is unique. Without the representation of an attorney, you could be facing a difficult, uphill battle against prosecutors.
Please answer the following questions as truthfully and as accurately as possible to help us build the strongest possible defence for your case.1) Did you use hand sanitizer near the time of the incident?
2) Do you use hand sanitizer frequently?
3) Did you have a fever and or were you sick near the time of the incident?
4) Have you ever been diagnosed with Auto-Brewery Syndrome?
5) Have you ever felt slightly intoxicated after eating large meals?
6) Have you ever been diagnosed with Asthma?
7) Do you suffer from Asthma attacks?
8) Have you ever been diagnosed with Anxiety?
9) Do you suffer from anxiety attacks?
10) Do you have any medical issues that affect your breathing?
11) Do you have any medical issues that affect your lungs?
12) Have you been diagnosed with Diabetes?
13) Were you fasting near the time of the alleged incident?
14) Were you on a particular diet near the time of the incident?
Curative Questions
1) How often do you drink per week?
2) Do you drink in stressful situations?
3) Do you drink to relieve stress?
4) Do you drink large quantities of alcohol at one time?
5) Have you ever spoken to a therapist or any other similar professional regarding your drinking?
If you were charged with any of the following charges, contact Mccarthy Kuszelewski Law right away and get legal representation:
Murder • Fraud • Domestic violence • sexual assault • Drug offences • Weapons offences • Assaults • Bail Hearings • Variations to court orders • Charter Applications • Break & Enter • Fraud • Impaired Driving and Related Offences • Driving Under The Influence • Robbery • Sexual Assault • Forcible Confinement • Speeding • Theft
For more info on DUI please click here The following article talks about auto-brewery syndrome which is a condition that your body creates alcohol with the food you ate. Interesting defense.
Are you interested in learning more about Mccarthy Kuszelewski Law and how our firm can help you obtain the resolution that you are seeking? You need to speak with a Lawyer you can trust from our office right away. We offer convenient consultations for all clients.
To schedule your case evaluation, complete an online form today! Contact us today to get started!